Love marriages are getting popular in India, however many couples face compatibility troubles due to Bhakoot Dosha in their match. Bhakoot Dosha is an important factor in Vedic astrology matchmaking. It signifies the angle between the Moon signs of the prospective bride and groom.
What is Bhakoot Dosha?
Bhakoot Dosha arises when the Bhakoot points between the couple's horoscopes are below 18 out of 36. This low score indicates discordance and lack of compatibility after marriage. The closer the score is to 36, the better the match.
Effects of Bhakoot Dosha on Love Marriage
Several issues can crop up in a love marriage due to Bhakoot Dosha such as:
· Constant fights and misunderstandings leading to a volatile relationship
· Inability to communicate effectively or bond emotionally
· Financial stability and management problems post marriage
· Difference of opinion on important life decisions
· Lack of family support and approval for the alliance
· High chances of separation or divorce
Therefore, Bhakoot Dosha in love marriage is an area of concern that must be addressed for compatibility.
Remedies for Bhakoot Dosha in Vedic Astrology
To overcome the ill-effects of Bhakoot Dosha, astrology recommends the following remedies:
· Chanting mantras and prayers to propitiate the lunar gods. Beej mantras for Chandra and Mangal are beneficial.
· Wearing a high quality pearl can stabilize emotions and promote marital accord.
· Donating rice, white clothes, silver or items connected with planet Moon.
· Seeking an experienced astrologer's guidance for customized solutions as per the natal charts.
· Most importantly, understanding each other's personalities and making compromises.
While the remedies target the astrological influences, the couple must also put conscious effort to adapt, communicate effectively and nurture their relationship. With maturity and compassion, love conquers all adversities and creates a strong, everlasting bond.